Hawaii 2012

May 2012

The adventure goes on. After a whirlwind tour of the US mainland visiting friends and family I finally landed in Hilo, on the Big Island of Hawaii. It has been ten years since I left Maui Hawaii and if you have been following my travel blog over the years you know I have been blessed with time in many countries, Thailand, Laos, China, Nepal, India and Sri Lanka, and more. It has been a great adventure and brought me close to many people and cultures that I truly respect, enjoyed and remember fondly. remember and want to stay in touch with.
Now I am feeling a need to be closer to my four siblings and five wonderful offspring. Hawaii has been calling me back for sometime now and so I have opted to answer the call and satisfy my need to be at least a little closer to these people who are dear to me, Hawaii is a good compromise. It has the unique quality of being in the US and yet maintaining a culture that is very special , very Hawaiian. Very "Aloha" = loving, earthy, raw, pioneering, lushly beautiful, soft warm climate and a kind of a special mix of cultures. There is a feeling of pride and independence, borderline rebelliousness with the potential of being self sustaining and politically 'different'. One has to be here for awhile to appreciate this creative , healthy island style of living.
 So it has been refreshing to be back to Mother Hawaii and caressed by her nurturing Nature. I have felt a welcome coming back, enjoyed already much of her music and stories of the Hawaiian culture. Today I went to a Native American Pow Wow. So strange to see the 'Indians" living here and visiting here from the mainland, so delightful and so embraced by the Native Hawaiians. Not surprising at all when one thinks about the parallels in their history. And I have been gifted with a very special friend here already, a lady named Maria, from Chile who migrated with her parents to Reno Nevada and then as an adult of 30 made Hawaii her home and established herself as a very successful alternative health professional.
So let me take you to Hawaii and my new life here in pictures:
I was treated to a double rainbow on the day I arrived

My friend's  home where I was welcomed to stay until I found my own place to rent

Some of the beauty of Hawaii

Pitur of the park area whaer the Pow Wow was held

A Worrier who Danced at the Pow Wow

Another colorful Dancer

Young Dancer

Hoop Dancer

My new friend , Maria

Enjoying a delightful afternoon together, Me and Maria

June 2012

More pictures around Hilo Hawaii

This Maria's garden. She has transformed an average size city lot into an amazing prolific and colorful vegetable and flower garden.

The coy pond

More garden

The zen sand garden in the background


Maria in her kitchen, the bottles on the counter are natural health supplements which she sells to her massage clients

More garden

An elephant tusk carving

Quan Yin

Maria making a scrumptious avocado omelet

Dragon art

Now we switch from lush garden in the city to the barren Lava flats. Houses are popping up in these recent lava flows as recent as 20 years old.

Its snarly land but cheap, $2000/acre

More development

2 BR/1BA apartment for rent in this house, only $475/mo.You get to live with a very wacko landlord too!

Drop inn

But you are compensated with beautiful seascapes.

The deep blue of the Hawaiian sea (Pacific Ocean, East side of the Big Island, HI.)

Well folks,the Date is 1/18/2013 and the Hawaiian dream and relationship with Maria is over. Yes, it has been a very rocky road for me on the Isle of lava and rocks. The lessons have been painful, I have not yet recovered , yet I am confident that after some time I will look back on this and smile, tell God and myself that it was a great journey of the soul and I am a much better person for it.
Cannot say more now, I am still in Hawaii and giving my self time to just be with it all and be watchful for signs to guide me on to the next chapter of my life. Thanks for listening more to come when I am ready to report again.
Love you all, Albert

5/9/13 I needed to get away from Hawaii for awhile, felt a call back to Thailand, so I went back and stayed with friends in Pai for a few months. Then after getting some clarity I decided to try living in Hawaii again so I am now back on the Big Island. I have to admit the split with Maria has been hard to overcome but I am learning to accept that and move on with my life. I am now living in a community called Kalani which is actually a health retreat that offers voluteer positons in exchange for room and board. I may be able to offer my detox program here. Not sure yet. At the same time I have arranged to offer my detox program at an amazing vacation venue called Ramashala. you can read about that at www.islandwellnessretreat.org

Hopefully I will be able to send you some good news soon and pictures soon. thanks for your support and interest in my Blog. Aloha, Albert

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